Sunday, 19 August 2012

Aliens vs Mankind

According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. But how did this concept develop, and is there any evidence to support it?
Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before. The theme of human-alien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the 1960s, driven by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films like 2001: A Space Odyssey. The space program played no small part in this as well: If mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn’t extraterrestrials visit Earth?

Evidence of Ancient Aliens

Ancient alien theorists like Erich von Däniken believe that, thousands of years ago, extraterrestrials landed on Earth, where they were hailed as gods and helped shape human civilization. But what proof could possibly exist for such an encounter?


Many Sanskrit epics, which were written in India more than two millennia ago, contain references to mythical flying machines called vimanas.


The Moai of Easter Island

The Polynesian island of Easter Island is famous for its “maoi”: the 887 giant human figures with enormous heads that guard its coastline. Roughly 500 years old, these monolithic statues stand 13 feet high and weigh 14 tons, but some are twice as tall and much heavier.


Puma Punku

 Located in the Bolivian highlands, Puma Punku is a field of stone ruins scattered with giant, finely carved blocks. Such precise workmanship on a massive scale would have been nearly impossible without modern tools and machines, yet the ruins are more than 1,000 years old.

Alien researchers

Most recently, Ancient Aliens researchers have begun to take a closer look into our recent past to see what evidence exists to prove that Ancient Aliens are still influencing the minds of humans and are attempting to control the planet as they once did. One of the most fascinating topics at the moment is the mystery that surrounds Hitler and the Third Reich. Seeing their technological advancements, one can only wonder whether the aliens we call Ancient Aliens had a direct influence in helping the Third Reich accomplish their mission to over take the world. Looking into more recent history and the proof of Ancient Aliens helps us understand the reality of the subject. With modern day videos and accounts from pilots, soldiers, citizens, and governments the Ancient Alien influence seems to be more rampant than previously expected.

Chinese ancient aliens

Chinese literature extends thousands of years, from the earliest mystery legends to recorded dynastic court archives. These huge amounts of literature give us a great opportunity to explore the possible extraterrestrial visit. More interestingly, wide spread ancient monuments and endless archaeology discoveries in China provide us live history records, right in your face, to be the concret prove of possible extraterrestrial visits. When we apply ancient alien theory to those records, suddenly everything we don't understand or don't want to understand becomes rational! The mystery divine Pangu is about the world creation. According to legend, the universe began with formless chaos. This chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg. In the egg there are Yin and Yang balanced forces interact each other and then Pangu emerged from this interaction in the egg. Pangu set about the task of creating the world. He separated Yin from Yang with his giant axe, creating the Earth (Yin) and the Sky (Yang). To keep them separated, Pangu stood between them and pushed up th sky.

What Is An Alien infrant?

From as early as the 1950′s there have been reports of people finding alien children both dead and living and there are some websites on the internet dedicated to alleged alien life forms. These pages feature numerous pictures thought to be pictures of real aliens that have been found throughout the years.

There are numerous persons who believe unconditionally that these images of adult and baby aliens are real while others think that they are well organized hoaxes. Some say the babies are malformed, while still others
believe that they are ordinary human children with diseases or deformities.

Whatever they are, the reality is that some movies and pictures cannot be explain like the movie of the alien baby found in 2007 by a farmer in Mexico named Marao Lopez. He is said to have discovered the alien infant alive and drowned it in a ditch out of fear because it appeared so bizarre. Lopez said that it took 3 tries to drown the creature and that he had to keep it beneath the water for several hours before it eventually died.

Ancient aliens and gods?

Myths and legends have long been regarded stories that describe powerful gods, mutant giants and monsters. But why do so many different cultures, separated by vast distances, tell the same stories? Ancient texts are filled with stories of god’s interacting with humans. Could the demigods of mythology have been the issue of alien and human blending? If so, could aliens have supplies the missing link that accelerated human evolution, advancing our civilization and making us who we are today?

How ancient people look at ancient aliens?

With all the continuous evidence coming in, alien visitation is hard to deny. Ancient societies have recorded their sightings of aliens worldwide and they did not seem fearful of them, they considered them Gods. If aliens do exist and have visited earth for thousands of years, the question is should they to be feared or have they really come here to help us and guide us?

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Do Ancient Aliens Visit Earth through the Wormhole?

A wormhole is like a tunnel with two ends at separate points in space-time. It’s similar to two connecting black holes that bridge together two universes. A wormhole connects two points in space-time and would allow aliens to travel in time as well as space. Aliens could travel faster than the speed of light using wormholes. In the theory of the wormhole, a wormhole vortexes existing on earth is a shortcut through space-time. But do wormholes really exist? If so, is there any evidence to prove that ancient aliens used wormholes to visit us here on earth?

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

How did ancient aliens come here?

  • There has been many questions if ancient aliens existed, how did they get here? How did they move around? 

           So did ancient people see ancient aliens flying planes? "what they called gods".

           An evidence of flying object that goes back to approximately 200BC is the Saqqara Bird.

  • More then 7000miles away from Saqqara(Egypt) in El Dorado(Colombia) a Tolima gold model of a fighter jet was discovered in which goes back to 500AD.

       Could this be a coincidence that more than 7000miles away from each other, two different civilization was thinking about same idea of making a flying machine or the did they see extraterrestrial flying objects.

           Question arises that where would ancient aliens land their flying machines. One of the evidence of landing could have been Palpa on the Pampas de Jumana about 400km south of Lima which goes back to 400 and 650AD which would be a preferable runaway for the ancient aliens of El Dorado(Colombia).

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

What are ancient aliens?

Could ancient man possess knowledge far beyond of our century and if not so where did it come from, were we visited by extra-terrestrials leaving us with technologies. Millions of people believed that we are visited by extra-terrestrials……..
 What if this was true?
Did ancient aliens helped to shape our history and if so is there clues left behind, what if we could find the evidence?