Sunday, 19 August 2012

Chinese ancient aliens

Chinese literature extends thousands of years, from the earliest mystery legends to recorded dynastic court archives. These huge amounts of literature give us a great opportunity to explore the possible extraterrestrial visit. More interestingly, wide spread ancient monuments and endless archaeology discoveries in China provide us live history records, right in your face, to be the concret prove of possible extraterrestrial visits. When we apply ancient alien theory to those records, suddenly everything we don't understand or don't want to understand becomes rational! The mystery divine Pangu is about the world creation. According to legend, the universe began with formless chaos. This chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg. In the egg there are Yin and Yang balanced forces interact each other and then Pangu emerged from this interaction in the egg. Pangu set about the task of creating the world. He separated Yin from Yang with his giant axe, creating the Earth (Yin) and the Sky (Yang). To keep them separated, Pangu stood between them and pushed up th sky.

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